Karen Carpenter Tribute Acts for hire in all countries Worldwide

We currently have Karen Carpenter Tribute Acts available for hire in all of the following countries for your wedding entertainment, birthday party, corporate event entertainment and all other event types!

With Entertainers Worldwide you can simply find, contact and book a Karen Carpenter Tribute Act directly in minutes...with no added agency fees!

Latest Karen Carpenter Tribute Act Reviews

Kerry Le Bern
Kerry Le Bern - Karen Carpenter Tribute Act - Midhurst, South East Event Location: Chichester 2nd March 2024
“Kerry Le Bern was fantastic. Delivered the entire Carpenters story. Poignant, honest. Loved it.”
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View This Profile - Kerry Le Bern - Karen Carpenter Tribute Act - Midhurst, South East
Quin Apple
Quin Apple - Karen Carpenter Tribute Act - Philippines Event Location: Wuhu City 19th October 2019
She has a Soulful Voice , Powerful voice and very friendly to the guests.
Reviewed by:

View This Profile - Quin Apple - Karen Carpenter Tribute Act - Philippines
K.C - Karen Carpenter Tribute Act - Chorley, North West England Event Location: The Wheatsheaf, Dukinfield, Tameside, Manchester 31st December 2014
“That was a brilliant set you did, and your sound is fantastic, you were amazing.” (60’s 70’s and Motown)
Reviewed by:

View This Profile - K.C - Karen Carpenter Tribute Act - Chorley, North West England

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