Cassy Tang
Female Singer
(no reviews)Country: United Kingdom
Based In: Edinburgh, Scotland
Performs: Worldwide
From: £150
I am experienced in singing
- Artist
- Singer
- Songwriter
- Music Production
- Acting
- Dancing
- Modelling
- Advertisements
- Designer
My dream is to be a singer and perform on stage. I have experience of being on stage as a young girl and I have been part of the Playhouse Edinburgh Theatre when I was 12 years old performing with a group on stage singing and dancing in the play
I have been singing since I was 3 years old and music has been a huge part of my life since I was young and music and singing is my passion, to this day I continue to channel my creativity with music.
I have extra experience of being on stage when I competed in 3 pageants over the past year
I have been classically trained with
... the National Youth Choir of Scotland starting at the age of 8 years old and left when I was 18. I have music theory badges in bronze, silver, gold and platinum. This classical training has equipped me well with skills I need to enhance and further my career as with Choir I have performed on several stages including the usher hall - edinburgh, Royal Concert Hall, etc..
I have previously performed at a few weddings, a food and drinks festival and currently working on making music and songs. I hope to pursue my career and keep moving out of my comfort zone to do this. On top of this I wish to travel with my passion and make life the best I can.
I have a high, elegant stage presence and I appreciate you time reading this and I hope that you can consider my application. Thank you,
Cassy Tang
Suitable for
Anniversary Party Awards Ceremony Baby Shower Bachelor / Stag Party Bachelorette / Hen Party Birthday Party (Adult) Birthday Party (Child) Birthday Party (Teen) Bridal Shower Casinos Charity / Fundraising Event Christmas Party Club Party Cocktail Party / Drinks Reception Community Event Concerts / Tours Conference / Meeting Corporate Event Cruise Ships Dinner Party Engagement Party Festival / Outdoor Event Funeral/Memorial Service Graduation Party Grand Opening Party Halloween Party High School Reunion Holiday / Theme Parks Hotel Event New Year's Eve Party Nightclub Event Nursing / Care Home Event Private Party Product Launch / Promotion Prom Night Quinceañera / Sweet 16 Party Restaurant / Bar / Pub Event Retirement Party School Event Theaters / Stage Trade Show / Exhibitions University / College Event Virtual Event Wedding Ceremony Wedding Cocktail/Drinks Reception Wedding Reception
Acting Experience
Featured Extra in
Crime - Irvine Welsh - featured episode 5
The Lost King - featured
Physical Characteristics
Meet the Act
I started singing at the very young age of 4 years old - my mother has cassette tapes of me singing Chinese songs! And from then on I always had a musical talent including having a little keyboard when I was younger and when my mum would play music in the car I would always pick up the lyrics and the notes by ear very quickly. I am currently also self teaching how to play keyboard/ piano. Aside of my music talent I am very creative I also love to deistic shoes and love nail art! I like to learn about everything in life and I don’t limit myself to one thing. I am also a film and tv extra I’ ... ve been seen briefly in a tv show called crime by Irvine Welsh on Britbox tv! And also will be seen in some movies coming up next year. I have also entered pageants such as Miss Swimsuit UK and this year I am a Miss Universe Great Britain Finalist for 2022 - competing in July to win the title to represent Great Britain. I can also freestyle dance and used to learn commercial, Chinese dancing and pole dancing. Currently learning burlesque dance now!
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